About Life Groups

Life Groups are the core ministry at The Church at Rocky Peak. A Life Group is a small group of 10-16 people who come together each week to grow, encourage, challenge, and support one another. They are the best way to get connected at Rocky Peak. Joining a Life Group requires a ten-week commitment to attend. Contact lifegroups@rockypeak.org for more info.

Currently in session.

Winter session begins the week of January 12!

Life Group Study

Week 4

Week of October 6

Week 5

Week of October 13

Week 6

Week of October 20

Questions About Life Groups?

If you have any questions about Life Groups at Rocky Peak, please fill out and submit the form below.

Life Group Sessions

Fall 2024:
September 15 – November 17

Winter 2025:
January 12 – March 15

Spring 2025:
April 6 – June 8

Life Group Leader Resources

The Life Group Leader plays an essential role in helping create the environment and opportunities for group members to experience God and life transformation. They encourage and challenge one another to become passionate Christ-followers who are pursuing God, loving others, serving sacrificially and sharing Christ. For Life Group Leader and Host resources, please click on the button below.

Life Group Staff

Our team is dedicated to serving God and ministering to those who feel called to lead a Life Group at Rocky Peak. For more information on each of our team members, click the button below!

Life Group FAQs

What is a Life Group?

A Life Group is a small group of people who meet weekly to study together and to connect one-on-one. Each group has a trained leader, and an average meeting lasts for about 2 hours. Life Groups offer an intimate environment for meeting and growing together with others on a weekly basis with the purpose of becoming more like Jesus. They provide a safe place to encourage, challenge, and support one another – so that together we can unleash a movement of passionate Christ-followers.

How important are Life Groups?

Life Groups are the core of our ministry here at Rocky Peak. They’re the place where “real church” happens as we study God’s Word or another Christian topic, grow together, and share our lives. They are the primary way we connect, build relationships, and take care of one another.

When and where do we meet?

Life Groups meet on various days and nights each week throughout the San Fernando, Simi, Santa Clarita and Conejo Valleys both indoors and outdoors, as well as digitally via various digital platforms. There are three 10-week sessions each year in the fall, winter and spring. (Life Groups do not meet during the summer.)

How long do they last?

Each Life Group session lasts 10 weeks. At the end of each session, you’ll have the choice of staying in the same group, trying a new group, or taking a break. Most groups stay together throughout the entire year.

What is the required commitment?

Joining a Life Group requires a 10-week commitment to attend each week and do the study ahead of time. It is essential to come prepared each week with completed Life Group study questions and/or reading assignments in order to effectively learn and grow together as we live out our faith in everyday life and become passionate Christ-followers. Obviously, allowances are made for sickness, vacation, work conflicts and other special events – however, a strong commitment is the key to strong groups.

What will we study?

There are a variety of studies for Life Groups. Most groups will do the “message-based study,” called the Life Group Study, designed to apply what you learned from the message on the weekend. Other groups will study a book based on the Christian life and still others may study a particular book of the Bible. Each week we’ll share what we are learning from our Life Group Study. Our goal is to learn how to live out our faith in everyday life, as we grow in becoming passionate Christ-followers. The study is designed to take 30-60 minutes and takes you to other passages in the Bible that address the same topic—as well as asking practical questions to help you apply the message.

Where do I get the Life Group Study?

You can download the study from our website under the Life Group Tab. You can also pick up a physical copy at Starting Point as you exit service on Saturday or Sunday.

What does it cost?

Few things in life are free and Life Groups are no exception! The cost of Life Groups is the cost of commitment! Also, if your Life Group is doing a special study, you may have to pay the cost of a book or study guide. At your first meeting (which is also a potluck dinner), your group will complete a covenant together. This simple form will help you discuss your goals and clarify your commitment. Part of that commitment is the promise to attend each week and complete the study. When you join a Life Group, you’re promising to attend and come prepared each week. It’s this commitment that makes Life Groups work. We realize it’s a big commitment, but it only lasts for ten weeks.

What about childcare?

Most Life Groups are for adults only, though a few groups do offer childcare at their meetings. We are working on launching more! This means, for most Life Groups, each family needs to arrange for their own childcare. Sometimes families share a sitter with another family, or even swap childcare with another family whose Life Group meets on a different evening. We realize this is a big commitment, but the best spiritual gift you can give your kids is growing parents—and it’s so important for you to model this growth in your life. We believe that your spiritual growth in a Life Group is one of the best investments you can make in your child’s spiritual future.

How do I choose a group?

We recommend choosing a group based on its leader/host team and their station in life—rather than by location or meeting time. Groups usually do best when members share common interests and challenges. In the end, you’ll find it’s worth the drive! If you need help finding the right group (especially if you are new to Rocky Peak), please don’t hesitate to give us a call. And just as a heads up, sometimes it takes trying two or three groups before you find the perfect fit—but don’t worry, you’ll find it!

How do I sign up for a Life Group?

You can sign up during Life Group sign-ups as you exit Saturday or Sunday service, or you can sign up online during our regular sign-ups. You can also contact Stacy Sullivan at lifegroups@rockypeak.org or 818.709.0113, ext. 105 and she will be happy to help you get plugged in!

Where do I go for the first meeting?

Your first night of Life Group will be a potluck. Your Life Group leader or host will contact you the week before your Life Group starts to give you directions and help you decide what to bring to the potluck.

Any last words of advice?

Yes! Sign up as soon as possible!! Life Groups fill up fast, so the sooner you sign up, the more likely it is that you’ll get your first choice.

Life Groups – Life Stories

Looking for inspiration? Check out these stories of people who
experienced life transformation after joining a life group.

Lauren Snowden

Angel Moncada

the view
weekly update